Become a Mentee

To Become a Mentee

The benefits of having a mentor:

  • Mentors support growth: Mentors encourage and enable another person's professional or personal development. A mentor can help focus their efforts by setting goals and giving feedback.
  • Mentors serve as a source of knowledge: Mentors can provide specific insights and information that enable the mentee's success.
  • Mentors can help set goals: A mentor can help their mentee set personal or professional development goals.
  • Mentors maintain accountability: A mentor helps hold their mentee accountable for their goals. By tracking progress, the mentor helps the mentee stay focused and on track towards completing them.
  • Mentors offer encouragement: When the mentee finds themselves struggling to perform or reach a goal, they can turn to their mentor for support.
  • Mentors help make connections: A mentor can help build their mentee's personal and professional network.
  • Mentors are willing to listen: When an individual has ideas, they can use a mentor as a resource to discuss or try them. The mentor can provide unbiased advice or opinions using their relevant knowledge and experience.
  • Mentors serve as a trusted ally: Trust represents a core element of mentoring relationships. The mentee must trust that the mentor has their best interests in mind and will provide accurate and honest guidance.

Mentorship programs have various forms of admittance to their programs. Some require applications, and some require students to simply opt in to the program.

Get In Touch

For more information, please contact Miriam Castanon, Director of Student Support Initiatives

Gateway Center Room #1544
5500 Campanile Drive
San Diego, CA 92182

Mentor & Success Coaching Collective

Contact us for more information.