Become a Mentor

To Become a Mentor

San Diego State University (SDSU) offers a diverse range of mentorship and success coaching programs that cater to students across various departments, majors, identity centers, and campus programs. While specific requirements may vary from program to program, there are common criteria for those considering becoming a mentor.

General Requirements for Mentorship

  • Student Status: Typically, mentorship programs look for students who have been at SDSU for at least one year. Most programs specifically seek third and fourth-year students who have a strong grasp of university life.
  • Leadership Qualities: As a mentor, it's crucial to possess leadership skills that inspire and guide fellow students. Mentors are expected to be role models and sources of support.
  • Academic Standards: The minimum grade point average (GPA) requirements is 2.5 in most programs. Some programs may have higher GPA requirements, while others may require you to be a member of their program. Ensure to check with the program supervisor for detailed eligibility criteria.

Exploring Mentorship Opportunities: To become a mentor at SDSU, start by exploring the available programs below.  Review each program's goals, objectives, and mentorship responsibilities to identify the one that aligns best with your interests and strengths. You can also check with your college to see if they offer any mentoring programs not listed below.

Becoming involved in a mentoring relationship as a peer mentor offers numerous advantages, including:

  • Supporting Fellow Peers: You'll have the opportunity to facilitate the success of other students by sharing your knowledge and dedicating your time.
  • Skill Enhancement: Mentorship enhances your communication, leadership, and peer counseling skills, which are valuable attributes for your personal and professional development.
  • Academic Success: You'll gain a deeper understanding of academic success strategies and become more familiar with university resources.
  • Leadership Experience: Being a mentor allows you to gain valuable experience as a student leader, preparing you for future endeavors such as graduate school or a career.

Becoming a mentor at SDSU is not only a chance to give back to the community but also a significant step toward personal growth and development. Embrace this opportunity to make a positive impact on your peers and enhance your own skills and knowledge.

As a peer mentor in the SDSU Mentor and Success Coaching Collective, you will also have the opportunity to earn two separate certifications that acknowledge and recognize your mentorship skills. These are: Peer Mentor Digital Badges and the College Reading & Learning Association (CRLA) Certification.

Digital Badges are digital credentials that provide peer mentors with verifiable proof that they have learned or mastered a particular skill. Badges are embedded with data to explain what they represent and can be shared via social media, email signatures, and other online communications. There are two levels which you can obtain. Level one is the SDSU Skilled Peer Mentor and Level two is the SDSU Experienced Peer Mentor.

CRLA Certification* is an international recognition that peer mentors can obtain that certifies their knowledge and experience in mentorship. CRLA Certification provides recognition and positive reinforcement for peer mentors’ successful work; it sets professional standards of skill and training for tutors and peer educators; and it augments program credibility for administrators and institutions.

You can highlight these certifications on your resume as well as in social media.

For specific details on each program and the application process, we recommend reaching out to the program supervisors for guidance and assistance. 

*College Reading & Learning Association, International Peer Educator Training Program Certification IPTPC

Get In Touch

For more information, please contact Miriam Castanon, Director of Student Support Initiatives

Gateway Center Room #1544
5500 Campanile Drive
San Diego, CA 92182

Mentor & Success Coaching Collective

Contact us for more information.